Question Everything 🔎

I'm really glad you are here and care about keeping your files private!
Here is a quick tutorial showing you how to verify what's happening with your data on a website using Developer Tools in your browser. We will be looking at the network requests.

Basically, when you are using Puffin.Tools your files are not going anywhere, and I can prove it!

Steps to Verify Your Privacy:

1. Head over to the image compressor on Puffin.Tools (you can of course choose any tool you want).
2. Press F12 to open your browser's Developer Tools.
3. Click on the Network tab.
4. Select a file you would like to process by clicking "Browse".
5. Hit the "Process" button!

What You Will See:

Depending on your browser the output might differ, but all of them will contain following details:

NameStatusTypeRequest Method
Note: Firefox might not display the "blob" entries, while Chrome and Edge might not show the "Request Method". To view it, click on the name field and then check the "Headers" section.

What Does It Mean?

The Request Method "GET" means that you are just receiving data. For .js and .wasm files it means that they were downloaded from Puffin.Tools so your browser can perform image optimization locally. Your images also use "GET" to show that they were processed and then displayed on the page.

You WON'T see the Request Method "POST". A "POST" request would mean that files are being sent/uploaded to the server. (this didn't happen here.)

And you WON'T see any additional requests to (or from) websites other than Puffin.Tools. If you saw such thing that would mean that someone is (most likely) gathering additional data about you or your actions on the website.